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The Purposes of Practicum:

  • Help improve our teaching skills

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the culture and background of the country we were assigned to

  • Help improve our English communication skills

  • Expose us to a diverse teaching-learning environment

Procedures of Practicum

During my first week in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, we went to Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Campus 4, the receiving university. We met Ms. Ida, head of the Office of International Affairs and Ms. Rahmi, our cooperating teacher. I also went to SMP Muhammadiyah 2, the school where I had my practice teaching. I met the headmaster, my mentors and fellow teachers. We also had our formal welcome dinner with the head staff and faculty of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan on the first week. I also had class observations.

On the second and third week, I had my practice teaching. I was very nervous at first, but I adjusted and felt more comfortable and confident. I am so grateful to my mentors who guided me. I also helped my mentors check papers.

On the fourth week, I was evaluated by my mentor. I also said my goodbyes to my students, my fellow teachers, the headmaster, and my mentors. I was sad to leave the school, but I will always carry my memories with them in my mind and heart. 


Outcomes of Practicum

From this, I gained experience, learned more about Indonesia, met new people, made new friends, and learned different values. I was also given the chance to improve my teaching skills especially with a diverse set of learners. I did not only learn from my mentors, but I learned from my students and friends. My practice teaching in Indonesia has given me time to reflect on myself, as well. I learned more about myself, my strengths, and weaknesses. I was able to grow as a person, and I’m still growing.


The Challenges of Practicum

I faced challenges during my practice teaching. It is definitely not easy. One challenge I faced is the language barrier. It was a little difficult to communicate with my students. Questions like “What if my students won’t understand me?” I was nervous at first, but my mentors were very helpful. They guided me along the way. The students also did their best to speak English. They are very hardworking and I could see that they were willing to learn more about English. I am very proud of them. Another challenge I faced was the fact that I was away from my family. It was my first time to be so far away from my parents and siblings, and I was feeling homesick during my first week. But my host family, roommates, and buddies helped me get through it. They welcomed me and always made sure I was okay and comfortable. I was able to adjust over time and I was enjoying the experience there. I already miss Indonesia, and I hope to go back there one day.

Overall Impression

The SEA Teacher Exchange Program is a very good opportunity for student teachers around Southeast Asia to go out of their country and improve their teaching skills. It gives the chance for students to grow as persons and as future educators. I am so grateful and blessed to be one of the students who was able to join this program. It is definitely a great learning experience. 

Suggestions for Future Improvement

I hope that one day, more Southeast Asian countries will be part of this program. It would be nice if more countries got more involved. 

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